let us run with endurance the race that is set before us
Hebrews 12:1
Your Pennsylvania Representatives
- Altmire, Jason, Pennsylvania, 4th
- Brady, Robert, Pennsylvania, 1st
- Carney, Christopher P., Pennsylvania, 10th
- Dahlkemper, Kathy, Pennsylvania, 3rd
- Dent, Charles W., Pennsylvania, 15th
- Doyle, Mike, Pennsylvania, 14th
- Fattah, Chaka, Pennsylvania, 2nd
- Gerlach, Jim, Pennsylvania, 6th
- Kanjorski, Paul E., Pennsylvania, 11th
- Holden, Tim, Pennsylvania, 17th
- Murphy, Patrick J., Pennsylvania,
- Murphy, Tim, Pennsylvania, 18th
- Murtha, John, Pennsylvania, 12th
- Pitts, Joseph R., Pennsylvania, 16th
- Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th
- Schwartz, Allyson Y., Pennsylvania, 13th
- Sestak, Joe, Pennsylvania, 7th
- Shuster, Bill, Pennsylvania, 9th
- Thompson, Glen W., Pennsylvania,